Convert Bits to KiloBytes and vice versa with speed and accuracy
A kilobyte (KB) is a unit of digital information that consists of 1,024 bytes. It is commonly used to measure the size of files, storage capacities, and data transfer rates. Kilobytes are integral in computing for representing the amount of digital information contained in documents, images, or other files. This unit is part of the binary-based system, acknowledging the power-of-two nature of data storage and processing in computers. The kilobyte is often used in everyday contexts to describe relatively small amounts of digital data.
A bit is the smallest unit of digital information, representing a binary state of 0 or 1. It serves as the foundation for all digital data, forming the basis for more complex units and playing a fundamental role in computing, data storage, and communication.
Bit | KiloByte |
1 Bit | 0.000125 KiloBytes |
2 Bits | 0.00025 KiloBytes |
3 Bits | 0.000375 KiloBytes |
4 Bits | 0.0005 KiloBytes |
5 Bits | 0.000625 KiloBytes |
6 Bits | 0.00075 KiloBytes |
7 Bits | 0.000875 KiloBytes |
8 Bits | 0.001 KiloBytes |
9 Bits | 0.001125 KiloBytes |
10 Bits | 0.00125 KiloBytes |